What recommendations can you make when it comes to my dog's preventative care, such as brushing teeth?

Brushing teeth is beneficial for dogs. I recommend starting early and I have a complete handout with recommendations on introducing it and the reasons why it can be extremely beneficial. Dental problems can occur in older dogs, but there are things that can be done early in life to prevent it. Definitely, I'd recommend starting with a dental plan and following my handout on dental care.

Dr. Bob Parrish
Carolina Value Pet Care

What recommendations can you make when it comes to my dog's preventative care, such as exams?

Even though we are not full service, examinations can be extremely beneficial depending on your dog and your concerns. It's beneficial to see a full service veterinarian, even if it's once a year or every couple of years, for an examination to listen to the dog's heart and lungs and to get a general overview of the dog's condition.

What recommendations can you make when it comes to my dog's preventative care, such as exercise?

Exercise is necessary for all dogs but the amount depends on the dog's breed and habits. It's not something we would discourage.

What type of dog food do you recommend?

The type of food depends on the dog's activity level, health conditions, and age. Quality should always be the first consideration.

Does my dog really need flea, tick or heartworm prevention?

Yes, especially for dogs living in North Carolina and the Eastern half of the US where mosquitoes are a problem year round. Flea prevention is also needed if there's a problem inside the house.

How can I tell my dog is a healthy weight?

A healthy dog should have a visible waistline when viewed from above. If you have any questions, you can send a picture or bring the dog to a clinic.

Does my dog need a microchip?

If there's a risk of the dog running away, then a microchip is highly recommended. This is also true for cats that spend time outside.

What recommendations can you make when it comes to my dog's preventative care, such as spaying or neutering my dog?

In general, spaying or neutering is recommended and it's best to wait until the dog is about one year old. Breeding is fine but spaying or neutering can prevent potential issues later in life.

Dog Preventive Care - Keeping Your Dog Safe at Home & in Public

How can I keep my dog safe while in a car?

This is important because we all love to ride with our dogs. Always keep them strapped in somehow. Dogs have a tendency to bounce around the car, and you never know if you're going to have to brake suddenly. If they slam into the dashboard or a seat, that can result in an accident. Safety first, use a strap of some sort so they're not going to be thrown around the car. Also, ensure they're not going to try to jump out the window if they like to stick their head out. Protecting them is easy, just make the effort to do it.

Dr. Bob Parrish
Carolina Value Pet Care

Why should I keep my dog on a leash in public?

Keeping your dog on a leash in public is for the safety of you, your dog, and others. People don't know your dog and there might be incidents where one dog targets another. If a dog isn't leashed, there could be a nasty fight. Also, your dog might see a rabbit and chase after it, potentially pulling you along. Always keep your dog on a leash and be aware of the surroundings that might trigger your dog to want to run away.

What can I do to keep my house and yard pet safe?

There are a number of things you can do. Think about baby-proofing a house; you can do this for your pets too. Keep pesticides and garbage out of reach. Dogs getting into trash can almost surely result in a trip to the emergency room. They could choke on a chicken bone or get sick from eating something decaying. They could also ingest parts of a stuffed animal or a sock. Know your dog's habits and do a walk around your house to figure out what to tuck away and what to secure.

What pesticides are harmful to my dog?

The first thing to consider is rat poison or any product that's an anticoagulant. These are designed to keep blood from clotting and can be fatal for dogs if ingested. Also, household cleaners and bug sprays can be poisonous to dogs just like they can be for children. If you would keep things out of harm's way for the welfare of your child, you should be doing the same thing for your dog. Hopefully, this gets you thinking about safety concerns that you may not have considered before. Remember, it's important to keep your dog safe.

Dog Preventive Care - FAQs

Dr. Bob Parrish
Carolina Value Pet Care

What illnesses are staved off by good preventive care?

Certainly. Preventive care is a broad and vital subject. It includes vaccines and prevention against parasites, which are the basic services we provide at Carolina Valley Pet Care. The vaccines prevent diseases like rabies, distemper parvo, leptospirosis, flu, and bordetella in dogs, and distemper, rabies, and leukemia in cats. These are debilitating, and in some cases, life-threatening diseases that can be easily prevented with a proper vaccine program.

Apart from vaccines, we also need to consider issues with heartworms, fleas, and intestinal parasites in both dogs and cats. However, I believe one of the most important preventive measures is proper nutrition. Every time you feed your pet, you are making a biochemical change in their body which can impact them significantly over time.

Can preventive care keep my dog free of fleas and ticks?

No, not unless it includes flea and tick medication. It's important to understand that there are a lot of ineffective, generic products on the market. Products that actually work are best recommended by a full-service veterinarian. You may have to pay a bit more, but for the best preventive care, you should get the best available products at the best price.

Is preventive care less expensive than treatment?

Always. It's a cliché saying, but an ounce of prevention is indeed worth a pound of cure. Any preventive measure you take today will be beneficial in the long run.

Can preventive care save a dog's life?

Yes. Vaccines prevent deadly diseases such as feline leukemia in cats, canine flu, leptospirosis, parvo in puppies, distemper in dogs, and heartworm disease. These diseases are all preventable and treatment can be very affordable. It's important to do the best you can to prevent these avoidable diseases in your pets.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (704) 288-8620, or you can email us at info@cvpet.com. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram